What I learnt from a rebrand of my own business

What I learnt from a rebrand of my own business

It’s brutal truth time. Anyone who has followed me over the last 4 years since I started my business (yes hello you dozen people! ?) has heard me talk about wanting to rebrand, focus on my business, represent myself in the way that I represent my clients… You know professionally and all that! But you […]

Is your website optimised for mobile?

Is your website optimised for mobile?

There is always something to think about these days when presenting your business to the online world… SEO, blogs, branding, content strategy… the list goes on. But if there is just the one place to start, the one thing that will bring everything down in search engine land, it’s this… is your website optimised for mobile? […]

It’s all familiar, but new…

It’s all familiar, but new…

Welcome to Your View Marketing!  It’s completely crazy that I spend my days either advising people on their online strategy, or managing it for them, yet my own social media presence is less than exceptional. I’m like the plumber with the broken toilet, except the difference is that not every client goes to the plumber’s house […]